to have Courage....In Family Life, In Spirituality, In Health, In Living Simply

I'm on a journey...... as we all are. Learning, remembering, re-discovering about health, spirituality, relationships, emotions and the mind.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"Decrees Are Falling From Heaven"

by Doug Addison Jul 29, 2009

"Decrees Are Falling From Heaven" Last April, I was talking on the telephone
with Bob Jones who told me he was in Heaven and saw that "books were being
reconciled regarding people's destinies." A short while later I was talking
with Larry Randolph who said that he saw the court of Heaven in session, and
there are things about our future that have not been determined as of yet.

This explains why so many people feel "frustrated and uncertain" right now. In
my life, I know the direction that God wants me to go, but the specific steps
for this new season have not been clarified. We are in a time of transition in
which the way we used to do things is not working as effectively as it once
did. We are living in a paradox of the old not working and the new having not
yet been fully revealed.

Understanding God's will for our lives is sometimes easier than knowing His
timing. The most common way that God reveals His will is through His written
word. In 1988, God spoke to me about my life calling through Isaiah 61:1-2,
declaring to me that my ultimate destiny was to preach the good news and get
people freed from the darkness. Though I began preparing myself immediately,
the actual timing of going into full-time ministry did not happen for another
ten years.

God will also reveal His destiny to us through prophetic promises, dreams,
visions and spiritual experiences. Many people have these promises but have
difficulty understanding the timing and details of the prophetic words. If you
have words spoken over your life that you have not seen come to pass, then
pray and ask God to show you which promises you should focus on and which ones
may be no longer valid based on circumstances.

Prophecy can be subjective and it requires listening to God and getting wisdom
from others to determine your steps. God will always confirm directive words
through several different means so that you will not make a major decision
based on one prophetic word.

A Decree From Heaven

On Monday, June 29, 2009 while praying, I experienced an extraordinary "Open
Heaven" in my house. Suddenly it was as if I had a direct connection with God,
and I knew His heart and what and how to pray. It went on for about 30
minutes, then the intensity lifted. During the experience I was reminded of
many promises that God has made to me and felt a new strength and authority to
speak and command these promises into existence.

A few hours later I had an unexpected visitation. Suddenly a piece of paper
literally appeared in mid-air and dropped to the floor and disappeared. It
happened so fast that I did not have time to take it all in. It was very real
and was a parchment with what appeared to have gold or bronze trim. I was not
able to make out any writing on it, as it went as fast as it came.

God spoke to me that the paper was a "decree from Heaven" regarding the
prayers that I had been praying. He told me that my prayers were heard and He
issued orders to carry them out.

Psalm 2:7-8, I will proclaim the decree of the Lord: He said to me, "You are
My Son; today I have become your Father. Ask of Me, and I will make the
nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession."

Decrees from Heaven are now falling upon God's people to take hold of their
inheritance. There has been a balancing of the books in Heaven and those who
have been robbed by the enemy are now being repaid. Those who have robbed and
oppressed people will get their repayment as well. Where there has been
injustice God is bringing justice. The enemy does not want us to see this so
our circumstances will look radically opposite. We must press into God right
now and claim all that God has for us.

Press In and Reclaim Losses

Interestingly, this experience happened on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
which honors the Martyrs of the Church. Martyrdom or the killing of the Saints
was a great injustice. The enemy has been attacking and robbing Christians of
their destinies. This has been in the areas of finances, health, marriages,
relationships, ministries, businesses and emotions. It is time to say, "No

The Year of Jubilee began last September 15, 2008, the day of the largest
corporate bankruptcy in U.S. history. We are in the final few months of a
spiritual release from Heaven. There has been a shake up in the natural realm
that is symbolic of the supernatural. God is issuing bailout orders from
Heaven. From now through September 2009, it is a time to press in and reclaim
our losses.

We are in a strategic time that is similar to that of David in 1 Samuel 30.
David had a prophetic promise to be king and was anointed by Samuel, but his
timing had not yet come. King Saul had been trying to kill David and then the
enemy came and stole their possessions, families and burned their city to the
ground. David was greatly distressed but he encouraged himself in the Lord.
They recovered everything and things changed at that point and David went from
running to a new place of ruling and authority.

Just because God declared that David would be King, it did not happen
automatically. David had to get up and go fight for it against all odds. Many
people today do not understand this and are sitting back waiting for God to do
it for them. It is time to encourage ourselves in the Lord and not pull back.
It is time to no longer believe the lies of the enemy, but to grab hold of our
only reality, which is God's Word and will for our lives. It is time to
pursue! This is truly an exciting time to be alive!

We saw an immediate turn around in our ministry by praying the following daily
for a few weeks:

• God reveal what promises are "for now" and what are "for later" (timing).

• Show us what the enemy does not want us to see (discernment).

• God, allow us to be seen as You see us, not as the enemy wants us to be seen

• Repay and release what was stolen and held back by the enemy (justice).

• Show us how to practically respond (wisdom).

Doug Addison

InLight Connection


Doug Addison is the founder of InLight Connection in Santa Maria , CA and is
the author of the book Prophecy, Dreams, and Evangelism. He travels worldwide
helping people transform their lives and discover their purpose. Doug is a
stand-up comedian and his training seminars include hearing God, understanding
dreams and visions, and experiencing the supernatural. Doug also trains and
leads dream teams and prophetic/power evangelism outreaches.

Question for You: What do you think about this prophecy?

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